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History and Values   

Busy Bees Child Care was established in the year 1995 by Ms Miriam Tallia. Her vision to provide quality child care among communities was acknowledged by hundreds of parents and families who have been with us from the past so many years. With the vision to take the Busy Bees to new heights, Ms. Ashima and Mr. Subash Mahajan took over the business operations from Ms. Miriam. Ms. Ashima has been associated with children at all levels. Her qualifications include Masters in Education, (Special Needs), Masters in replica watches Psychology, RECE and Member, Ontario College of Teachers. With over 17 years of experience and education, Ashima knows the importance of providing quality child care services in this new world. Subash, with his technology and management experience, assists Ashima in the daily operations and also implementing quality management solutions. With the new vision, our mission is to provide the best of the child care with individual attention to every child, parents and staff.


Learn through play

History Busy Bees Child Care Brampton Ontario

History Busy Bees Child Care Brampton Ontario

Our Program is centered on the happy and healthy development of each child. Our job is to meet each child at his or her level and respond to it’s present replica watches


Effective methods of communication play an integral part within the child care setting. The staff at the Centre collaborate with children and their families to build strong, supportive relationships. Staff interact with children throughout their day in a warm, caring manner. Each child is valued for their individuality, and unique contribution to their classroom. Staff seize the opportunity for one- to-one interaction and respond to the physical and emotional state of each child. Teachers are role models to positive peer interaction, teaching empathy, problem solving and respect.fake watches for sale



Families are viewed as important contributors to our program, with unique knowledge, experiences and strengths. We aim to build connections between home and the centre by building trust, embracing diversity, and forming caring relationships. staff and families collaborate to support smooth transitions into the program. We encourage parents to share information about their child, state goals and participate in ongoing various forms of documentation that reveal the stages in their child’s growth and development.Replica Omega Seamaster



Programs are based on the interest of the child as an individual and as part of a group. a program plan might display various interests in one week. Staff plan activities to enhance and facilitate learning and exploration through play. Materials and items are added for the children to manipulate, challenging their minds to find various uses and strategies. Natural and recycled materials offer and encourage respect for the environment.

Older children are able to take a more active part in the programming and collaborate with the staff to contribute ideas. Natural development skills are enhanced through play based materials as the children develop language and Tag Heuer replica comprehension, fine motor, mathematics, self-help, and gross motor skills.



The environment plays an integral part in a child’s development. We want to ensure that the children are safe, healthy and have balance throughout their daily schedule, indoor and outdoor.    Staff utilize the opportunity to monitor and observe fake rolex the various areas of interest pertaining to each child. Active play supports, exploration, competency, and reasonable risks. Children are able to test their limits and resilience to certain situations as they explore the world around them using their bodies, mind and senses. Transitions within the program are smooth, and the children take initiative practicing self-help skills.

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