Programs We Offer

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Admissions Process

It’s time to think about school. Whether you’re wondering when your child should start preschool or how to select the right care, we’d love to meet your family and show you how much fun your child will have with us. Many first-time parents ask us how the childcare enrolment process works so here is a quick overview to answer your questions.
Step1: Check Enrolment Availability call or email
Step2: Visit our school you will be given a tour of the centre.
Step 3: pick up a registration package $ 50 non-refundable.
Step 4: Fill out our registration package and submit two weeks deposit.

We will do everything in our power to accommodate the start date that meets your needs. We go out of our way to make sure every new child feels welcome and comfortable in their new classroom.

Toddlers 15months to 2.5 years

Your child’s world is entirely new now that he/she is walking, and we are excited to show cheap replica watches him /her all its many wonders! In this period of rapid development, your active toddler is manipulating, moving and touching. He/she is becoming more independent and capable of doing things for themselves. In our challenging and fun toddler program your child’s confidence will grow every day as he/she participates in variety of experiences: art and sensory activities, joyful music and movements adventures and lots of active outdoor play.

Learning centers: Your child’s budding imagination replica Watches uk will bloom in an environment containing equipment, materials and props that encourage play, language and discovery. Your toddler can select materials and activities that interest him /her, so whether building with blocks, putting a puzzle together or experience creative art, your toddler will grow in confidence and knowledge.

Early Learning: Your child’s budding enthusiasm for learning will be nurtured through our theme-based curriculum which will provide a multitude of fun, age -appropriate experiences with language, colors, shapes and critical thinking skills.
Talk, Talk, Talk Your toddler’ language is exploding as he/she uses both meaningful words and gestures to communicates his/her feelings and ideas to you, his/her teacher and to other toddlers. Language experiences in the first two years of life lay the foundation for cognitive though and reading skills so our thoughtful teachers will not only always encourage your toddler’s efforts to communicates but will also make communicating with them a regular and very important part of each and every experience.
More Words Please Even though your toddler is speaking some words now, there are often times when he/she is unable to express themselves to their satisfaction or is unable to articulate their emotions or feelings. Our visual aid schedule will help in this area.
Socialization; As your toddler learns more about himself/herself and their abilities, they also become aware of others. We will provide daily opportunities for group experiences where songs, finger play, movement’s activities and stories are introduced. We will be there to nurture and guide him /her as their first friendship develop.
Growing Independence: Your toddler’s eagerness to be independent will make practicing self-help skills like hand washing, picking up and putting away toys, putting on a coat and sharing with others exciting and fun. Your youngster will be so proud of himself/herself as they learn to master many of these important milestones under the careful guidance of our skilled teachers.
Preparing for Potty Training: Although cheap replica watches children potty-train at their own pace, you and your child’s teacher work together to provide the best environment for success.
Learning from Movement; For your active toddler, movement is more than just a way of getting from one place to another; it’s actually a way of learning. Toddlers who are able to use their bodies to accomplish tasks and influence their environment feel a great sense of pride.

“Terrible Twos”- don’t Believe the Hype
Your two-year-old is bursting with curiosity. She/he busily explores their world and is learning to communicate their thoughts and feelings. As they begin to exert their independence, he/she is also gaining a better understanding of what it means to play with others. Our Toddler program will keep their small hands busy and their mind engaged through countless activities focusing on both educational fundamentals and social skills development including:
Why, What and How A child’s blossoming language skills prompt many “Why”, “what”, and “How” questions. We will insure that your child’s play and daily activities are filled with new discoveries and experiences that encourage them to explore their environment, increase their curiosity and enhance their knowledge of the world around them. Our skilled teachers will be there to guide, encourage and support, filling them with confidence, self-esteem and a love of learning
Your child’s room classroom is designed with children in mind- shelves are low and open, supplies and toys are easy to reach, and materials boxes and tubs are colorfully labeled with written words, tables are low so that your child is able to help himself/herself to materials and put them back when are done.
Love of Literacy Children who learn to love books from an early age are more likely to become successful learners and lifelong readers. That knowledge guides us to fill our classrooms with vast assortments of good books, so your child can access and enjoy them throughout the day. Because our teachers make reading together a top priority, your youngster will benefit from many rich and varied conversations surrounding these stories and books. Pre-literacy skills are also embedded in many of the activities we offer your child, laying the groundwork for future reading and writing success.

Preschool_ Mom Guess What We Did at School?!
Your child will thrive in our preschool learning program! Children learn best by doing which is why our program combines planned learning experiences and structured play a safe, fun and nurturing environment. We are honored to partner with you to provide the first introduction to your child’s lifetime of learning.
Building a Strong Foundation Your preschooler’s cognitive skills will be enriched through a variety of challenging math, science, social studies and literacy activities that will take place within our program’s predictable yet fixable daily schedule. He/ she will fine tune their social skills through dramatic play, group times and independent interactions with other children. Their proficiency in language arts will be increased through reading and being read to, storytelling, puppet play an ample opportunity for fine motor development.

Making Decisions, Fostering Confidence Your child is naturally curious about the world around him/her and ready to learn all that they can about it. Our program has been designed to specifically meet the diverse interests and needs of preschool children. Your child can choose to play and work in seven different learning centers, each one equipped with developmentally appropriate materials designed to entice and challenge your child. You child will be able to explore numbers, colors and shapes through a myriad of projects an activity. He/she will solve problems and engage in many planned and spontaneous learning experiences. With our teachers there to guide and support them. Your child will make decisions about what materials to use and when to use them, helping to grammaticality strengthen their decision-making skills and greatly increase their self-confidence.
Love of Literacy Our literacy enriched environment will provide your preschooler with many valuable language and print experiences, helping your child to develop all the skills he/she will need for life-long love of reading and writing. Stories and books will also be introduced as part of the art, math, cooking, science and gross motor skills components of your child’s curriculum. Incorporating stories that he/she already knows, and loves will give your child many opportunities for hands-on experiences based upon them

Kindergarten 4-5
Children of a Kindergarten age are at a vulnerable stage in their lives in which they can and are eager to absorb as much knowledge about the world around them as they possible can. Their curiosity is at its peak and needs to be stimulated and satisfied. Our goal is to develop the whole child and not one specific area. Our ratios are low, giving the educators more time to spend with each individual child. This means that with the educator’s guidance, children learn conflict resolution and can progress in any area of development as far and as fast as they choose. Our program has no limit on how advanced a child can become in a certain skill. If a child loves to read, he or she may leave us reading at a grade three or four level.
Mastering Skills
Our unique Kindergarten Curriculum not only includes but exceeds the goals, objectives and guidelines of any other curriculum (including the school board). Our program has specific goals set for each of the children’s developmental areas of social, emotional, educational concepts of science, math, language and technology as well as motor skills. As the development of self-esteem and good social skills remains to be our number one priority our warm, loving, long term educators reinforce these skills in the children through the exposure to a variety of self-directed activities, interactive learning areas, educator-initiated theme circles, outdoor discoveries, specific academic concepts and personal experience sharing all of which assist the children in reaching these important milestones. Mastery of these skills is not necessarily accomplished at a specific time over the year but on a more sporadic scale.

Enthusiastic and Confident Learner Being an enthusiastic learner is one of the greatest predictors of academic success. Our Kindergarten program has been designed to specifically so that your child can investigate, explore, ask questions and take initiative for leaning about the world. Our warm and educationally focused classrooms will allow him to persist in hands-on
Math, science and social studies activities that interest him/self and arouse his natural curiosity. His self-confidence will soar as he is given ample opportunities to make decisions about what materials to use and when to use them. Our teachers will be there to guide, support and challenge him/her, answer his questions and nurture his/here love for learning.
Oral -Language Skills Development Research has shown that future reading success is directly tied to a well-developed oral-vocabulary. Thought Kindergarten year, we will provide a multitude of opportunities and activates designed to not only increase your child’s vocabulary and improve his/her listening skills but also to present him /her with wide background knowledge about our world. His/her teacher will engage him/her in rich and interesting conversations all through the day and ask thoughtful questions that will stimulate your child’s thinking.

School Age Programs 6-12
The expanding world of the School Age child includes increasing skills in interpersonal relationships. Peers become the driving force in shaping behavior and adding new information to their self-concepts. They are moving from a less egocentric perspective to a perspective that includes the viewpoints of others.
Learning group skills, developing a sense of moral judgement, discovering how to resolve conflicts without adult intervention, and maintaining friendships are important tasks for this age group.
Before & After School Programs
Our Before and After School program are an extension of home and school which balances quiet and active play, individual and group experiences, self-initiated and adult directed activities. The school age children learn to explore, to discover and to esquire, to reflect, to create and to reason all of which contribute to the well-balanced development of self. The many co-operative learning ventures offered to build a sense of shared achievement, which, in turn, promote acceptance and the appreciation of diversity.
The school age program establishes a friendly, family atmosphere of respect of self and others, respect of one’s own work and the work of others and respect for materials and the environment. Through the many learning centres of active play, art, block play, cooking, dramatic play, games, literature, music, movement, manipulative, puzzles, sand, water play, and science, the school age program promotes exploration, creativity and discovery.

Professional Development Days

We provide child care for your school age children during P.D.
March Break
We provided fun filled activities for March break
Snow Days
If buses are cancelled due to snow or ice and you need to get to work but have no one to take care of your children, don’t panic! Chances are Busy Bees Day Care can help. 

Summer Camp
Busy Bees Club is designed in order for the school age children to have a fun time while forming friendships and memories of wherever they go and whatever they do. Each week there is an interactive theme in which the children obtain valuable knowledge about through engaging in co-operative games, indulging in the dramatics or dabbling in the arts. Children are giving the opportunity to go on field trips out the centre. These include going Glow Zone-Lazar Tag, Pizza lunch, Public Library South Fletchers, School Park (Sir Wilfred Laurier) David Suzuki S.S Park, Beach days at daycare. Movie (Orion Gate)
Camp Info:
Ages: 6 to 12 years of age
Lunches: Lunches are provided

Schools with transportation provided to are Sir Wilfred Laurie and St Francis Xavier.


Busy Bess child care facilities each have specially designed Learning Centers that encourage and stimulate all areas of early childhood development through hands-on activities. Your child’s curious mind will be rewarded with creative art, music, manipulative tasks, dramatic play, science and nature, and more!

Sensory, Science and Nature

Activities provided in the sensory play area will provide the means for your child to sharpen his/her ability to observe the differences and similarities in what he/she sees, hears, feels, tastes and smells. Intellectual growth is promoted as your child’s curiosity is stimulated through a variety of different mediums and activities.

Science will promote the intellectual growth of your child by stimulating his or her curiosity. Your child will be provided with a variety of real-life, hands-on activities that either have a predetermined conclusion (teaching cause and effect) or are open-ended and encourage a sense of discovery.

Creative Art

The activities in the Creative Art area offer an abundance of early childhood learning opportunities. Children gain social skills as they share cooperate with an abundance of materials. They explore colours, textures and patterns, thus developing their visual and sensory abilities. Process, no product, is the emphasis in the Creative Art Centre. Art provides a medium through which children can express themselves. Busy bees balance the art approach theme related and free expression art.

Manipulative, Cognitive, Fine Motor

The wide variety of materials offered in the Manipulative/Cognitive area will encourage your child’s growth in the fine motor skills, thinking skills and socio-emotional skills. The first stage of using manipulative toys involves exploring the materials. Next your child will begin expert minting, testing to see the variety of ways in which a toy can be used. These opportunities will support your child in expanding his/her curiosity, an essential tool in latter school success.

Gross Motor

Outdoor Adventures:
Outdoor activities allow children to experiment and explore as an extension of the learning environment provided indoors. Children are stimulated to use their senses as well as to develop large muscle skills as they interact and cooperate with their friends. Appropriate play structures, tries, balls and other equipment designed to develop large muscle development are always valuable during outside play time.
Indoor Activities Children stretch and develop their large muscles inside the classroom by using large blocks and equipment and participating in music and movement activities during circle.

Home Living, Cultures, Dramatic Play

When your child plays in the Home Living area, he or she will have the opportunity to role play, real life experiences in a home -like setting. Child -sized furniture ensures that your child will feel “all grown up” as different family member roles are assumed: Mom, Dad, Grandpa or even the new baby that has been born. The Home Living area will allow your child to develop a sense of responsibility as he or she plays socially and cooperatively with her or her peers. Making supper with the multicultural play food.
Doing the dishes, sweeping the floor and dressing for a night out are just some of the fun activities available. It’s amazing what we learn about our children and their extended families through their participation in Home Living activities.
Dramatic play at Busy Bees childcare centre is generally an extension of the weekly theme. By participating in dramatic play activities your child will be able to express him or herself in many different ways. Dramatic play promotes imagination, role playing, self confidence, self expression, vocabulary and social skills.


In the Math area activities are planned to provide your child with a concert. Hands-on experiential approach to developing basic math concepts. Math is a way of problem solving. Math activities will stimulate your child’s inquisitiveness, a vital factor in the early childhood learning process starting from infant to toddler’s right through to our Kindergarten program. “Math Works” is feathered in our Kindergarten rooms and provide a fun, multi- sensory and interactive way to learn math.

Construction Blocks Area

Experiences with blocks offer many learning opportunities. Through building with blocks your child will learn to think of a plan and carry it out. Children learn to problem solve, develop basic math concepts, exercise their imagination and develop eye hand coordination skills.

Music and Listening

Through exposure to music, your child will learn to hear differences in sounds, discover rhythm, increase vocabulary and experience the impact of music on their moods.

Through going into grade one. Children needs to develop many skills to develop a basis for actually learning to read and write participation in musical games your child will begin to get a sense of belonging to and functioning with a group of other children. Fine motor skills are strengthened through activities such as playing rhythm band instruments and marching music.

Library, Language

Language is developed through meaningful experiences such as listening to and learning finger plays, poems, songs and stories, seeing a pre-rich environment and having many opportunities to talk and be listened to. Our toddlers actively participate in all musical activities. Our preschool is learning to identify letters and are working on their pencil control for printing

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